Saturday, August 1, 2009

#followfriday: my twitter list

Followfriday is a phenomenon on twitter, and if you don't know about it, you are either very new to twitter, or have been living under a rock. Basically, #followfriday (the hashtag is to assist with search visibility) is a process whereby twitter users recommend some of their followers for others to follow ....a sort of #sharingthelove or #payingitforward in the twitterverse.

There are various ways people undertake #followfriday:

  1. Mass blanket list of recommended followers with no background;

  2. Individual #followfriday recommendations with a tweet filled with why others should follow this person;

  3. Group #followfriday tweets (eg. a BlackBerry group of twitterers)... this is the option I used;

  4. Retweeting someone else's list; either as a way of saying thank you, or a self-promoting exercise by someone trying to increase their friends on twitter; or

  5. Someone hijacking another's #followfriday tweet and turning it into their own (this is maninly a sefl-promoting exercise to increase friend numbers).

Now remember, I am not condemning, nor condoning any of the afore mentioned methods, as I respect an "each to their own" process here. But I am changing mine... and the reasons are simple.

Currently in my work, I commute between Brisbane and Melbourne (two capital cities on the eastern seaboard of Australia), and the half the commutes are undertaken on a Friday, usually smack in the middle of #followfriday, so therefore I place a huge amount of pressure on myself to not only respond to everyone else's tweets, but to get my #followfriday tweets out as well.

And so comes this blog post.... my #followfriday list recommendations. I will over time update the lists as my friends and followers evolve, but for now, this is the one.

Inspirational #followfriday twitterers:

Good friends #followfriday:

There are my good friends who don't fit into my allotted categories....yet, and perhaps they never will, but one thing I know, they are there for me when I need them, and I am there for them:

iPhone friends/sparring partners #followfriday:

These are my iPhone friends (can a passionate BlackBerry user/abuser ever be friends with an iPhone user? Well, of course he/she can, and I am):

BlackBerry #followfriday legends:

These probably are my core group of twitter friends, mainly because they too are very passionate about BlackBerry devices, they are mobile (so are on twitter a lot of the time), and they are truly a helpful and friendly bunch (just don't rubbish the BlackBerry without having very good evidence on your side) (in no particular order):

So this is my #followfriday list.... I will no doubt realise this isn't a complete list and will make some adjustments as the upcoming weeks roll out.

I can wholeheartedly recommend any of these fabulous individuals. #payingitforward



  1. Yay! Now I am an official Iphone efficionado since I have been grouped on your list under Iphone user! Great list and mentions of different types of #followfriday groupings. I have done the grouping and individual. Individual is more time-consuming but is more meaningful for many.

  2. That's true... I somehow would prefer to do the individual #followfridays but with travel & everything happening on the Fridays, it just doesn't work out. I will try to recommend at least one new person every Friday for #followfriday though.

  3. Thomas-I feel so privileged to be on "your list" - thank you! This is a great blog post (and I would say that even if I wasn't on THE list!!).
    You are an inspiration and can't wait to have a coffee with you in the very near future :-)

  4. Thank you... I appreciate your thoughts here, and enjoy your friendship on twitter :)

    A coffee would be most excellent!

